Energy Storage
Safe efficient BATtery SyStem based on advanced cell technology.

The project:

BATSS project will focus on the development of a novel battery system concept which exhibits improved high-performance and safety, as a way to unlock the market uptake of next-generation battery system to a broad range of transport applications. The project will develop a specific Safe-by-Design (SbD) approach to guide the whole R&D process, aiming at identifying and mitigating (even eliminating) safety risks across the life cycle of the battery, while also allowing to counteract possible performance and cost trade-offs linked to the implementation of safety barriers in the battery system. The Consortium will develop a new cell-to-pack modular concept targeting at an outstanding safety and electro-thermal performance, mainly for off-road devices (construction site vehicles) and waterborne transport (maritime passenger e-ferries). BATSS consortium will develop, up to TRL5, the different thermal, electric and mechanical innovations to meet (and improve) the industry use cases performance and safety requirements, guided by the SbD approach and supported by cutting edge modelling and simulation tools for the battery system design and predictive maintenance functionalities of the Battery Management System (BMS). Last, but not least, the end of life (EoL) step will be under the scope through (i) the modular concept enabling easier assembly-disassembly of used battery systems, (ii) the data-supported automated disassembly techniques, and (iii) the exploration of battery system second life in a semi-stationary product.

CIDETEC’S role in the project:

CIDETEC Energy Storage is the coordinator of the project and leader of two WPs. CIDETEC will lead the mechanical design of the battery system (BS) based on cell to pack concept, which will ensure a correct mechanical behavior of the BS at any situation, including events that can cause potential damages, in special fire related. In addition, CIDETEC will be present in the development of flex circuit boards, in the development of BMS predictive algorithms through impedance trackers, in the thermal design of the BS through TRA modelling, in the manufacturing improvement through cell and bus bar welding, and in the safety for design approach through leading the definition of a customized safe by design methodology.


Start: 01 | 01 | 2024

End: 31 | 12 | 2026

Budget: 4.990.149,75 €



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  • Automotive
  • Construction
  • Energy
  • Marine
  • Public transport / land vehicles

Technological fields

  • Battery digital twins and diagnostics
  • Battery testing
  • Module and pack engineering
  • Stationary energy storage solutions

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