31 | 10 | 2016

CIDETEC takes part in the EARPA FORM Forum held in Brussels on October 19.


The European Automotive Research Partners Association (EARPA) organized the event held at the EGG Conference Centre in Brussels in order to discuss and share new solutions for road transport.

CIDETEC contributed to the success of the forum by giving a presentation entitled Reworkable, Recyclable and Repairable Thermoset Epoxy Composites In Transportation Applications that was given by Germán Cabañero, Business Development Manager of CIDETEC’s Polymers and Composites area. 
Around 150 representatives from industry, education and government met at EARPA and shared ideas and experiences around four main issues: the future of transport systems, the future of energy systems, circular economy and the future role of the members of EARPA. 
One of the main elements at the FORM Forum was the exhibition space, exclusively for EARPA members, where a wide representation of Partners’ current activities was shown. Within this space, CIDETEC deployed a large display with some of its most representative developments in the areas of Energy Storage, Polymers and Composites and Surface Engineering. 

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