29 | 03 | 2022

The H2020 programme makes CIDETEC an international benchmark centre


It is the leading private centre in the Basque Country in terms of returns per researcher and the sixth with the most collaborative H2020 projects headed at national level.


Results published by the CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology), in which it sets out the conclusions on Spanish participation in the Horizon 2020 programme during the 2013-20 period, confirm CIDETEC as one of the leading private research centres at national level. The San Sebastian-based entity is the sixth Spanish private centre with the most projects headed (a total of 17), making CIDETEC one of the major European centres.

From the CDTI report, the data from which were also presented at the “PIDI Network Conference: Results of Spanish participation in CDTI instruments in 2021 and in Horizon 2020”, held on 4 March, we can see that, at regional level, CIDETEC is now the third private research entity in absolute returns and the first in returns per researcher.

During the period analysed, CIDETEC has participated in projects such as IMAGE, eCAIMAN, E-Magic, i-HeCobatt and Ecoxy, in which it has collaborated with the manufacturers BMW, Volvo and Audi, together with centres such as Fraunhofer in Germany and the University of Cambridge.

CIDETEC’s high level of participation in H2020 programme projects has enabled it to develop a set of skills and knowledge making it a benchmark partner for the main European agents. This has given it an outstanding position in a national ecosystem that totals 50 private research organisations.


Source: “Spanish participation in Horizon 2020: Results by Autonomous Regions”, CDTI.

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