05 | 12 | 2019

The final meeting of the KaRMA2020 project was held in San Sebastian

Surface Engineering

CIDETEC, the project coordinator, hosted the final meeting of the KaRMA2020 project in San Sebastian (SPAIN) from 28th to 29th November 2019. In the last step of the project, the consortium has successfully produced different feather-based raw materials for the manufacturing of innovative bio-based products such as bio-based composites, spun bonded non-wovens, fertilizers, PU paints and coatings with flame retardants properties, biodegradable trays for packaging, among other products. Apart from the scientific publications derived of the project, different routes of exploitation of results are foreseen, including patent applications. The project has been awarded in several occasions showing the huge potential of feather waste as a biogenic source of raw materials.

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