28 | 03 | 2018

The Economic and Commercial Councillor of Wallonia visits CIDETEC

Eric Santkin, Economic and Commercial Councillor of Wallonia, visited CIDETEC Surface Engineering installations last 15 March.

During his visit, Mr Santkinheld a meeting with CIDETEC Surface Engineering management to study the possibilities of the centre’s collaboration with the public and private entities of this Belgian region.Among other points of interest, it dealt with the different European R+D support programmes, and technological agents of Wallonia with whom research projects could be developed were identified.

One point that received special attention was the exchange of visits scheduled with the MecaTech Pole. MecaTech is a Walloon pole in competitive mechanical engineering that aims to improve corporate competitiveness in the sector by encouraging technological as well as commercial, organisational and other types of innovation. The MecaTechPole has identified four strategic thrusts on which to focus its projects: materials and surfaces of the future, comprehensive forming technologies, microtechnology and mechatronics, maintenance and reliability.The first among these thrusts offers clear possibilities of CIDETEC collaboration, which will facilitate intensified contacts between both entities in the future.

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