Energy Storage
Advancing SOLid-state battery development and production to driVE the future of electromobility.

Solid-state batteries (SSB) offer a promising opportunity for the EU to become an early player and enhance its position in the global battery market. Supported by a consortium comprised of key industry and academic players in the battery field, SOLVE aims to capitalize on the extensive R&D base and contribute to the scaling-up efforts required for SSB Gen4b mass production.

To this end, SOLVE will address the most significant barriers hindering sector growth by demonstrating innovations across the main stages of the value chain, optimizing active and inactive materials, and associated processing techniques under industrially relevant conditions (TRL>=6). This will help achieve high-performing, cost-effective, and safe- and sustainable-by-design 20 Ah SSB prototypes and a proof-of-concept 0.25 kWh module based on: (i) thin, defect-free hybrid solid polymer based electrolytes (<=30 μm, >0.5 mS/cm @25-40 ºC, >4.7 V); (ii) high loading solid state cathodes (>4.0 mAh/cm2) based on 4V-class cathode active materials (>200 mAh/g), and (iii) ultra-thin Li metal anodes (including cutting-edge lithophilic current collectors for the development of zero Li excess SSB) (<10 µm, >3.000 mAh/g), all of them produced through easily scalable and sustainable R2R processes.

This entire process will be reinforced by the implementation and adaptation of predeveloped digital tools and models to support and accelerate the SSB design, as well as the incorporation of imperative sustainability criteria to promote efficient resource utilization through eco-design principles and the development of innovative recycling processes.

CIDETEC’S role in the project:

CIDETEC Energy Storage is the coordinator of the project and leader of two WPs.

CIDETEC will be involved is several technical activities:

  • Definition of specifications, design and testing protocols for materials, cell components, cells, and modules.
  • Leverage and use of predeveloped PROTEO™ web tool for accelerated cell design and 3D resolved modelling for cathode microstructure optimization.
  • Development, upscale, manufacturing, and characterization of SSB components: cathodes, anodes, and solid electrolytes.
  • Development, prototyping, manufacturing, and testing of 10-20 Ah SSB cells in pouch format.
  • Development, manufacturing, and testing 0.25 kWh modules based on 20 Ah SSB cells.

Start: 01 | 06 | 2024

End: 31 | 05 | 2028

Budget: 8.902.038,75€



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Grant agreement: 101147094


  • Aeronautics
  • Automotive
  • Battery materials industry
  • Energy
  • Public transport / land vehicles

Technological fields

  • No problems found

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