Surface Engineering
Towards more RESilient, sustainable, competitive and INtelligent electrochemical SURFace treatments.

Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI) is a widely utilized compound across industries like metal plating, pigment production and leather tanning. Despite its beneficial properties, Cr(VI) is related to significant health risks due to its toxicity and carcinogenic nature, leading to environmental contamination. The EU’s ban on Cr(VI) since September 2017, under the REACH regulation, underscores the need for safer alternatives. While a temporary exemption allows limited use until 2024, the urgency for environmentally friendly substitutes remains crucial. The RESINSURF project addresses this challenge by developing Cr(VI)-free processes for hard chromium plating, aiming to eliminate Cr(VI) usage and reduce associated environmental and health hazards.

The project aims to establish a cohesive strategy along all the SUDOE territories for the replacement of Cr(VI)-based surface treatments. Two pilot projects will be implemented to develop alternative technologies, incorporating monitoring technologies that support a digitalized green transition of the processes. These technologies will be validated in companies of the surface treatment sector. Knowledge transfer along all SUDOE will be a key component, involving training for students and professionals, along with the organization of webinars, workshops, and open days. Furthermore, technological advancements and training initiatives will be disseminated through social media and with the support of consortium multipliers (such as industry associations) to have the widest reach possible.

CIDETEC’S role in the project:

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is the coordinator of the project, leader of two Work Packages (WPs) and the main responsible for communication, hand in hand in this last activity with the industrial association AIAS.

As the leader of WP1, CIDETEC actively participates in the deployment of a common strategy towards the adoption of new, more sustainable and safer electrochemical treatments. In WP2, CIDETEC participates in two pilot projects:

  • Cr(VI)-free hard chromium coatings.
  • Cr-free surface treatments and coatings for light alloys.

CIDETEC plays a relevant role both in the development phase and in the implementation and transfer of solutions to the partners Chrome Dur Industriel and TITANIA. Another function will be the development of on-line or off-line monitoring methods to control the electroplating processes and trivalent chromium.

CIDETEC will also participate in the training and dissemination activities of the project to be carried out in WP 3, organizing for example an open house visit day for professionals and a dissemination seminar. It will also actively participate in the final event, as well as be present at conferences and trade fairs.


Start: 01 | 01 | 2024

End: 31 | 12 | 2026

Budget: 1.960.901,50 €



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  • Aeronautics
  • Space

Technological fields

  • REACH compliant surfaces
  • Sustainable surfaces and materials

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