
Energy Storage
Industrial Modular Battery Pack Concept Addressing High Energy Density, Environmental Friendliness, Flexibility and Cost Efficiency for Automotive Applications.

The project:

iModBatt stands for Industrial Modular Battery Pack Concept Addressing High Energy Density, Environmental Friendliness, Flexibility and Cost Efficiency for Automotive Applications. The aim of iModBatt is to design and manufacture, with minimum environmental impact, a high energy density modular battery pack flexible enough to be used in automotive and small stationary applications. This battery pack will be suitable for industrial automated assembly with an easy disassembly design, to make possible the shift from primary applications to secondary ones, and to facilitate the pack recyclability or parts replacement if necessary.

The project concept is built around an already existing technologically breakthrough, modular battery pack design primarily developed for specialty applications, that has proven excellent performance and cost efficiency in such a manner that higher ambition, wider spread electric vehicle applications seem the natural next developmental step for such a concept.

The project focuses into maximization of the energy density of a lithium ion pack through the optimization of the structural design and components of a battery pack for a given cell form factor. In this sense the strategy is to increase the energy density by reducing the weight of the battery pack while keeping structural integrity and easy assembly and manufacturing. Chemistry and BMS work is beyond the scope of the project, which focuses in the structural design and manufacturing.

The Consortium includes industrial partners of every step of the battery pack value chain, including automotive OEMs, battery parts manufacturers as well as leading European research centres with ample experience in the field of batteries.


CIDETEC’S role in the project:

CIDETEC Energy Storage will be the coordinator of the project and the main results disseminator. Regarding specific topics, CIDETEC will lead WP2 focused on cell selection and battery pack sizing. Their main role will be in the characterization, modelling and simulation of commercial cells in order to fit he most suitable cell to the BP that will be designed. In the same WP2, they will lead the battery pack sizing activity. On the other hand, as technical coordinator will actively participate in technical discussion of all WPs and will share leadership in the exploitation of results management with TYVA in WP8.


Start: 01 | 10 | 2017

End: 31 | 03 | 2021

Budget: 6.101.973,73 €

EU Grant: 5.058.294,01 €



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770054.


  • Energy

Technological fields

  • Cell modelling and simulation
  • Post-mortem analysis of batteries

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