Surface Engineering
New end-to-end digital framework for optimized manufacturing and maintenance of next generation aircraft composite structures.

The project:

GENEX project aims at developing a novel end-to-end digital twin-driven framework based on enhanced computational models, which embed the interdisciplinary knowledge of the aircraft components and the manufacturing/repairing processes, to support the optimized manufacturing of composites parts, enable the continuous operation of aircrafts and improve the composites repairing processes for ensuring aircraft´s safety and airworthiness. First, automated ATL process coupled with THz-based in-process monitoring together with hybrid-twin simulation methods will be developed for eco-efficient and advance manufacturing of innovative reprocessable-repairable-recyclable (3R)-resin-and state-of-the-art thermoplastic composites. Second, innovative data- and physics-based machine learning algorithms for damage detection and location combined with advanced high-performance computing (HPC)-based multi-physics and artificial intelligent-powered digital twin tools for fatigue life prediction, will be implemented to transform information from optimized onboard piezoresistive sensors data networks interfaced with low-power wireless communication platform to health and usage assessment and prognosis. Third, augmented reality tools together with novel laser-assisted methods for surface cleaning and monitoring, , smart monitoring and in-situ tailored heating of composite repair blankets will be further developed to provide additional assistance in manual scarf repair operations, increasingreliability of repair process, while supporting the modification and virtual certification of MRO practices. Thus, a novel digital twin-driven framework will be implemented into a common IIoT platform to integrate the developed models and data acquired, providing bidirectional dataflow, and enabling the implementation of a holistic and comprehensive data management methodology ensuring to adequately create, capture, share, and reuse knowledge along the entire aircraft lifecycle.

CIDETEC’S role in the project:

CIDETEC’s Polymers & Composites unit will work in GENEX project with the aim of using the own patented 3R technology for developing a new thermosetting resin of thermoplastic type (specifically 3R resin) with customised Tg. This resin, with embedded fibre optic sensors (FOS), will be used in advanced impregnation processes (prepreg) for the manufacture of carbon fibre reinforced (CF) composite tapes.. This, in combination with automated tape lay-up (ATL) for in-situ consolidation and full degree of cure (DoC) of 3R composite laminate layers, will be used to develop a performance manufacturing strategy that supports advanced and eco-efficient manufacturing of composite parts.


Start: 01 | 09 | 2022

End: 28 | 02 | 2026

Budget: 5.691.451,75 €



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  • Aeronautics

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