29 | 11 | 2019

Óscar Miguel, director of CIDETEC Energy Storage, took part in the China-Spain meeting on electric vehicles

Energy Storage

The 2nd China-Spain connected and self-contained electric vehicle forum took place in Madrid between 13 – 16 November as a continuation of the previous meeting held in Shanghai on 3 June. The forum was organised by ICEX and the Spanish trade offices in Beijing and Shanghai in association with SERNAUTO, the Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers, and was attended by 25 senior executives from the Asian country.

These meetings are designed to facilitate the development of commercial or technological partnerships between the two countries and, on this occasion, was attended by some 130 people, in addition to the large audience that followed its progress by video-conference. The programme included two round-table discussions on the transformation of the supply chain and the infrastructure for recharging and storage.

Óscar Miguel took part in the round table on storage and recharging technologiesand participated in the video that summarises the results of the meeting and which can be viewed via this link: https://www.icex.es/icex/es/navegacion-principal/que-es-icex/sala-de-prensa/videos/categorias-videos/icex-ofrece/VID2019836638.html

China is not only the world’s largest producer of cars, with a production of 28 million vehicles in 2018, but also a world leader in the emerging global segment: the electric vehicle. Being in China today, competing and cooperating in electric vehicle development, means being in one of the most dynamic and innovative markets in the world. The skills, knowledge and know-how acquired in this country by component companies and vehicle manufacturers represent an invaluable competitive advantage for the development of their business in other markets and for global collaboration.

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