20 | 05 | 2019

M24 meeting of the ECOXY project held in Karlsruhe (Germany)

Surface Engineering

The meeting held during the 24th month of the ECOXY project took place in Karlsruhe on 14- 5 May. The meeting took place at the Fraunhofer ICT centre, where the project participants reviewed the progress of the project over the last six months (M19-M24), the main results obtained and the next steps to be taken. Each WP leader explained the progress and results of their work package with the help of the participants involved in each of them.

CIDETEC was represented by Sarah Montes and Aratz Genua, who described both the technical and financial progress of the WP1 (Project management) work package.

The next meeting of the consortium will take place in November 2019 at AITIIP’s premises in Zaragoza.

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