17 | 05 | 2019

M18 iModBatt progress meeting

Energy Storage

The 3rd General Assembly (GA) was organized together with the Review Meeting (RM) on the 9-10th of April 2019, at the Delegation of the Basque Country to the European Union in Brussels.

It was the right chance to overview what we did till M18 and think of the next steps. At the moment (M18) iModBatt already fulfilled one of the most critical milestones of the project, which is the closure of the BP overall design. Some fine tuning is still pending, but the no-return point has been already crossed, so just minor changes are feasible. This is due to the fact that the components of the several dummy modules, real modules and packs have to be purchased in order to be in time to assemble, test and validate the proposed BP design.

Therefore, the GA was defined so that highlights of each WP were defined by WP leaders and then, every open or undefined topic to close the BP design was discussed. Main issues were related to the module & BP and thermal system coupling as well as the integration of the BP into the Renault vehicle. On the second day, the RM, with our Project Officer, Mr. David Guedj was organized. WP leaders presented the achieved goals during the first half of the project and after a fruitful exchange of views between WP leaders, the coordinator and the project officer, the event was closed.

CIDETEC is very grateful to the Basque Government, since they gave us the opportunity to use their delegation in Brussels to hold this meeting.

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