19 | 06 | 2019

Jorge Rodríguez presents the progress of the Chopin and Ecoland projects at the IntAIRCOAT Conference 2019 held in Hamburg

The IntAIRCOAT conference is a biannual event of major interest for learning about the trends set by large aeronautical OEMs and their chemical products and equipment suppliers. This year, the conference held in Hamburg from 13 to 15 May, dealt with the following main points:

  •        REACh and environmental aspects
  •        Process automation
  •        Special effect surfaces and new paint technologies
  •        Efficiency and process optimization
  •        Additional session: Internal aircraft coating

For CIDETEC, Dr. Jorge Rodriguez spoke about the progress of the Clean Sky Ecoland and Chopin projects in front of an audience from the USA, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, getting an insight into the trends that AIRBUS and BOEING are setting in the field of pre-treatments and paints.

As part of the conference, a visit was made to the FAL (Final Assembly Line) painting hangars of Airbus-Hamburg, demonstrating the painting of an A320, an A321 and an A380. The fuselage and the wings of the apparatus are painted in these FAL units, while the rest of the parts, including the moving parts of the wing, arrive already painted.

For more information on the IntAIRCOAT Conference 2019 go to https://www.intaircoat.com/

For more information on the ECOLAND project go to https://cidetec.es/es/proyectos/surface-engineering-7/ecoland

For more information on the CHOPIN project go to http://www.chopin-project.eu/

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