14 | 01 | 2020

ImodBatt in the 3rd European Conference on Results from Road Transport Research in H2020 Projects

Energy Storage

On 4th and 5th December 2019, EGVIA, ERTRAC and the European Commission organized the 3rd European Conference on Results from Road Transport Research in H2020 projects. With more than 400 registered participants, this year’s conference has been a real success, testifying the growing interest of the road transport community in getting information on achievements from EU-funded projects.

This year, the Green Vehicles projects had an important share of the conference agenda and electrification of the vehicles has been one of the main highlights of the two days conference. Among others the iModBatt project, represented by CIDETEC Energy Storage, had the chance to show the achieved results, when less than one year is left for the closure of the project.

A first outlook of the topics discussed during the H2020RTR19 conference can be found in this link: https://egvi.eu/mediaroom/h2020rtr19-conference-debrief/. The presentations given during the two-days conference are now available on EGVIA’s website (https://egvi.eu/event/h2020rtr-european-conference-3d-edition/). You can also enjoy the replay of each of the 15 parallel sessions and download the speakers’ biography booklet.

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