12 | 07 | 2019

Imanol Landa, from CIDETEC Energy Storage, has been awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Award for his doctoral thesis

Energy Storage

Imanol Landa has been one of the winners of the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize awarded by the UPV / EHU Graduate Commission in the area of Sciences. Imanol’s doctoral thesis, ” Non-aqueous Li- and Na-O2 batteries: Study and analysis of electrochemical processes “, directed by Dr. Idoia Ruiz de Larramendi Villanueva, has been defended through the Department of Inorganic Chemistry.

The Graduate Commission of the UPV / EHU, in session held on June 28, 2019, approved the proposals for granting the Extraordinary Doctoral Awards corresponding to the academic year 2016/2017 presented by the Courts appointed for that purpose.

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