10 | 07 | 2019

Horizon 2020 projects iModbatt and Ghost will host a workshop in San Sebastian (Spain)

Energy Storage

iModBatt and GHOST H2020 projects will host a Workshop on the 18th of October 2019 at CIDETEC Energy Storage site in San Sebastián, Spain. Both projects will have crossed the Rubicon by the time of the Workshop, so we will be glad to lead a mature discussion on the achieved outcomes with the rest of participants.

The Workshop will discuss ongoing activities, which focus on reducing the environmental impact of road transportation, and in particular, the development of modular battery packs and solutions to improve the energy density of electrified vehicles.

Call for Presentations

iModBatt and GHOST welcome Horizon 2020 projects working on topics focused on or complementary to the core topics of both projects:

· Cell selection according to use cases
· Cell, module and battery pack testing
· Cell, module and battery pack design (electrical, mechanical, thermal)
· Module & battery pack recycling, second life and/or reuse
· Battery pack manufacturing processes: assembly and disassembly
· Light materials for battery pack design
· Battery pack charging methods
· In-vehicle battery pack integration and testing
· Vehicle to grid
· Exploitation of results

In case you would be interested in attending this Workshop and presenting your project (15 min. presentation), please contact us. We will be glad to receive the abstract (200-300 words) about your project or any specific topic developed in your project: imodbatt@cidetec.es.

Call for Posters

iModBatt and GHOST will arrange a posters session in order to maximize the interaction between projects and enhance the networking activity between different project participants. The topics for the posters should be the same as mentioned for the Presentations session, but the goal can be even broader, so that any topic related to full or hybrid EVs and energy storage could be attractive. Hence, we encourage you to share an abstract (200-300 words) of your topic with us: imodbatt@cidetec.es.

Further information about the agenda of the Workshop will be released by the end of July.

More information: https://cidetec.es/imodbatt/en/horizon-2020-projects-imodbatt-and-ghost-host-a-workshop/

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