19 | 03 | 2025

HIMUGI will transform mobility and transport with safer and more sustainable hydrogen systems

Surface Engineering

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is participating in the project, which tackles key challenges such as reducing environmental impact without compromising the performance of Type IV tanks, mitigating hydrogen embrittlement in critical components, and ensuring safer and more reliable operation by identifying and preventing potential risks.

Hydrogen’s ability to be produced from renewable sources, combined with its high energy density, makes it a key energy vector in the transition to a low-carbon economy. However, to fully harness its potential in a sustainable future economy, overcoming a series of technical and economic challenges is crucial. These include the development of safe and efficient technologies for hydrogen production, storage, and usage, as well as the implementation of a supply infrastructure that is both accessible and economically viable.

In a global mobility scenario that includes vehicles, rail, maritime, and heavy transport, among others, and given the emerging use of hydrogen as a substitute for fossil fuels, the HIMUGI project “Safe and Sustainable Hydrogen Systems for Mobility/Transport” aims to develop a more efficient, safe, and sustainable propulsion system for mobility and transport applications. To achieve this, the project will focus on three key technological areas: The research on sustainable materials and advanced manufacturing processes for Type IV tanks in tubular configurations; the investigation of critical metallic components addressing aspects of design, additive manufacturing, and embrittlement; and the safety design and simulation through control and sensorization of hot spots to ensure the comprehensive safety of the system in hydrogen mobility applications.

As a result of the HIMUGI project, a hydrogen test bench (operating at 350 bar) will be developed for system validation in laboratory conditions. This demonstrator will integrate various technological advances achieved within the project. Its conceptualization and design will be carried out in collaboration with CAF and will not only focus on applications in trains and the resolution of current technical challenges but will also serve as a model for the development of a comprehensive high-pressure hydrogen transport system.

This project represents a unique opportunity for Euskadi, highlighting and strengthening the capabilities of the companies involved. Additionally, it fosters collaboration that will allow the Basque industry to position itself distinctively in the market. The consortium consists of: ARGOLABE INGENIERIA, project coordinator and experts in the calculation and sizing of complex materials; CASTRO, specialists in the development of plastic components using rotational molding; FIDEGAS, leaders in high-pressure hydrogen integration applications; IK/INGENIERIA, environmental consultancy experts; MARISKONE, an advanced manufacturing company specializing in composite materials; OPTIMUS 3D, specialists in additive manufacturing; TAMOIN, experts in comprehensive solutions for the hydrogen industry; TEAM INGENIERÍA Y CONSULTORÍA, project developers specializing in hydrogen facility safety management; TRAFAG, specialists in manufacturing pressure, temperature, and gas density sensors; and ULMA FORJA, experts in forging components, with a particular focus on flanges and joints.

The project also includes four entities from the Basque Science, Technology, and Innovation Network. In addition to CIDETEC Surface Engineering, CEIT, TECNALIA, and the supply-demand intermediary agent, the ENERGY CLUSTER, are participating.

The project has a duration of three years (2024-2026) and is funded by the Department of Industry, Energy Transition, and Sustainability of the Basque Government (HAZITEK Programme) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Interested entities can find more information and stay updated on project progress through the LinkedIn page of the project @HIMUGI project.

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