08 | 11 | 2018


Energy Storage

CIDETEC Energy Storage participates in project HIFI-ELEMENTS – “High Fidelity Electric Modelling and Testing”, a three-year research and innovation action under the Green Vehicles programme within H2020.

Nowadays we face a technological world with increasingly complex vehicles and at the same time the pressure to reduce the cost of vehicle development and production. To achieve this goal, simulations in the development phase of vehicles are indispensable, covering all aspects of the entire vehicle. To date, fragmented simulations for each aspect of the vehicle are being used separately, because no simulation environment can cover the entire E-Drive/EV development.

HIFI-ELEMENTS examines a more efficient use of existing tools in order to optimise the development workflow, including a recommendation for the standardisation of model interfaces for common e-drive components, as well as methodology for parameter identification and test case generation. The objective is to reduce the development and testing effort by more than 50% when compared to the current fragmented workflow, while enabling a reduction in vehicles energy consumption of up to 20% through early system optimisation amongst other benefits.

This approach is necessary to enable a faster time-to-market of new e-drive technologies. To achieve these goals, 19 renowned partners from 10 different European countries are working on together. It involves 13 partners from the industry and 6 research institutions, with FEV as Coordinator from Germany.

CIDETEC Energy Storage participates in the work package related to battery testing and modelling. Our Basque Region is well represented in this project, also including Tecnalia and Mondragon University.

More info at: www.hifi-elements.eu

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769935

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