22 | 02 | 2019

Five new research projects establish CIDETEC as a European leader in advanced batteries

Energy StorageEnergy Storage

·  The five projects awarded involve a total budget of 30 million euros.
·  CIDETEC is leading two out of the five projects, which collectively involve 55 industrial and technological partners.
·  CIDETEC is also part of a sixth initiative approved by the Commission to plan the future European strategy for battery research.

In the last European tenders concluded at the end of 2018, CIDETEC Energy Storage was honoured with the approval of five new research projects that involve a total budget of more than 30 million euros. There are a total of 55 leading European industrial and technological partners involved in these five projects.

The five projects cover topics ranging from improving the energy density of lithium-ion batteries, research into new materials, to the development of new concepts in efficient cooling for battery packs that will be tested in actual vehicles. It also covers research into long-term energy storage technologies, such as magnesium and calcium batteries, which are very promising but are still in their early stages of conceptualisation.

In addition, and as a result of a sixth initiative approved by the Commission, CIDETEC will become the only Spanish partner to be a member of the BATTERY 2030+ consortium, a coordination initiative that brings together 17 European leading battery organisations. The European Commission has entrusted this consortium to draw up a technological roadmap which, in the next decade, should position Europe as a world leader in battery technology.

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