CIDETEC Surface Engineering continúa ampliando sus instalaciones para disponer de equipamiento de vanguardia. Recientemente ha adquirido una cabina de pintura robotizada que permitirá aplicar los últimos desarrollos tecnológicos en condiciones industriales. Iñaki García, investigador de CIDETEC Surface Engineering, nos lo cuenta en este vídeo.
Surface Engineering
Egoitz Luis Monasterio, Automotive Business Development Manager de CIDETEC Surface Engineering, analiza las tendencias que marcarán el futuro del sector de la automoción, muy condicionado por la crisis del COVID-19. La transformación hacia el vehículo eléctrico, conectado, autónomo y compartido, junto con la sostenibilidad, definen los retos a los que se enfrentará la industria en los próximos años.
The second issue of the AIRPOXY project newsletter has been published.
In addition to coordinating the project, CIDETEC Surface Engineering is in charge of several key technical activities such as the formulation of aero-grade 3R resins and adhesives, as well as the manufacture and characterization of 3R composites produced with them.
The newsletter includes updates on the different aspects of the project:
– Development of 3R-Thermoforming technologies.
– Development of 3R-Bonding technologies.
– SHM and development of 3R-Repair technologies.
– Validation of technologies in an industrial environment.
– Environmental, economic and human health risk assessment.
– Dissemination actions.
– Standardisation, certification, business plan and commercial roadmap.
Alaiz Rekondo y Alaitz Ruiz de Luluaga
Materialen Zientzia eta Teknologia V. Kongresua
Jesus Manuel Vega