19 | 07 | 2018

Closing meeting for the European SEALANT project held at CIDETEC

The meeting to close the SEALANT project, “Optimisation of the sealing process in sulphuric acid anodising treatments through experimental design and its expansion to industrial scale” took place at CIDETEC last 26 June, attended by the topic manager, Liebherr Aerospace of Toulouse.

The SEALANT project from the second competitive call of the European Clean Sky 2 Programme purported to search for more ecological alternative products in the sealing of the surface treatments employed by the aeronautics industry. Apart from CIDETEC, the University of Cádiz (UCA), the Miranda de Ebro Technological Centre Foundation (CTME), the companies INNOMAT COATINGS and Titania, specialising in aeronautics materials and processes, participated in the project.

During the two years the project lasted, the biggest challenge consisted of searching for solid technological solutions that did not compromise product performance and quality.  Hence, the research focused on developing new sealing products for sulphuric acid anodised treatments as solid alternatives in chrome anodising (AAC). This latter process has been used in the aeronautic industry for decades due to its excellent performance, but is considered potentially harmful by European regulations on the use of chemical products. It has likewise been possible to optimise the economic cost and environmental impact of the sealing process, thus meeting the most demanding regulatory standards, such as the European Union REACH regulation.

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