22 | 05 | 2019

CleanSky CHOPIN project meeting held at CIDETEC

Surface EngineeringSurface Engineering

The month 12 meeting of the CHOPIN project was hosted by CIDETEC during March 2019. The event was attended by representatives of the various members of the consortium, with Jesús Palenzuela, representing CIDETEC, acting as the organiser and keynote speaker.

During the course of the meeting the activities of the different working groups were reviewed, with special attention being paid to the results achieved by WP3, dedicated to the development and characterisation of coatings with omniphobic properties for application in coatings with low adherence to insects for the preservation of laminar flow in aeronautics.

The CHOPIN project is aimed at developing long-lasting hydrophobic coatings that can be applied to micro-perforated surfaces normally used for resistance reduction, as well as validating the technology and coating process for mitigating insect contamination under realistic conditions.

The next face-to-face meeting of the consortium will be held in September 2019, at the VKI (Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics) centre in Saint-Genesius-Rode (Belgium).

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