10 | 06 | 2015

CIDETEC to participate on the 3rd International Workshop on fuel cell testing

Energy Storage

From harmonized fuel cell stack testing to standardization

Harmonized European test procedures are the first step in getting reproducible and comparable test results in fuel cell stack testing. Within the European project “Stack-Test” the objective is to develop a guideline for PEM fuel cell stack characterisation with focus on performance, durability and safety guidelines and applicable for portable, stationary and automotive applications. In this workshop, which is the 3rd of its kind, the aim is to provide a forum between the project consortium, industry and other research institutes to discuss the validation results based on the defined test modules and test programs.


A poster session detailing progress within the project and the topic in general will be held in parallel.


CIDETEC will participate in the workshop with the oral presentation titled “Experiences of Dead-End operating conditions”, where several results concerning this operation mode particularly relevant in automotive will be shown. A correct selection of parameters will allow to increase the efficiency in hydrogen fuel use as well as the stack power density. For this purpose it is needed to correctly manage the balance between fuel recirculation and purging –which is necessary to avoid impurity accumulation, at the same time keeping them low to minimize fuel losses-.


The Workshop is organized by ZSW, The Center for the Solar Energy and Hydrogen,  and It will take place in Ulm, Germany, June 16-17, 2015.



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