16 | 05 | 2019

CIDETEC takes part in the Advanced Factories Trade Fair

Surface Engineering

Last April CIDETEC attended the Advanced Factories Trade Fair in Barcelona where it presented the challenges and opportunities of the post-processing of surfaces produced by additive manufacturing. The fair is aimed at improving the competitiveness of companies, from the implementation of process automation and digitisation to full integration with the technologies that are included in industry 4.0.

Until now, the industry has focused its efforts on the first two steps of additive manufacturing, namely, the design and manufacturing itself, but no similar progress has been made in the post-processing phase. An extremely high percentage of the parts obtained by additive manufacturing require the removal of substrates and/or a significant reduction in the surface roughness. The solutions currently used at an industrial level either require too many manual operations or involve a cost that, in most cases, represents half of the final cost of the part.

As part of Cidetec’s commitment to additive manufacturing, it has recently joined Addimat (Spanish Association of Additive and 3D Manufacturing Technologies) as well as being involved in specialised forums in the sector such as Advanced Factories and Addit3D.

All of this reinforces Cidetec’s position in the area of additive manufacturing post-processing, a field in which it is committed to cementing its leadership position through its presence and participation in the main initiatives developed in the industry.

With this in mind, on 6-7 November 2019, Cidetec Surface Engineering will be holding the PostAdditive 2019 conference in San Sebastian, where the latest advances and industrial opportunities in technologies related to the post-processing of materials produced through additive manufacturing will be discussed.

If you would like to learn more about this subject, you can read our recent publication in the Interempresas Fabricación aditiva magazine:


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