12 | 06 | 2020

CIDETEC Surface Engineering obtains ENAC accreditation under the ISO 17025 standard

Surface Engineering

CIDETEC has been accredited by ENAC (the Spanish National Accreditation Body) in accordance with the ISO 17025 standard, which guarantees the proficiency of the Surface Engineering laboratories for performing the tests to determine corrosion resistance in salt spray. This accreditation certifies CIDETEC Surface Engineering’s ability to offer the industry a range of absolutely reliable tests.

The ISO 17025 Standard

The ISO 17025 Standard provides the essential criteria that must be met by the testing and calibration laboratories, simplifying the standardisation of quality criteria. The main objective of this is to ensure the technical competence and reliability of analytical results. The standard includes both management requirements and technical requirements that affect the improvement of the quality of the work carried out in laboratories. These requirements are used as tools for the dissemination of collective knowledge, which helps the integration of staff, provides flexibility when adapting to changes in the environment and allows for the detection of problems for their early resolution. Lastly, the Accreditation of the Laboratory will be a formal recognition of its proficiency and technical expertise to carry out specific analyses.

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