12 | 04 | 2022

CIDETEC Surface Engineering brings digitalisation closer to the surface treatment industry with an on-line multi-parametric analysis system

Surface Engineering

CIDETEC Surface Engineering has added a new multi-parametric analysis system for galvanic electrolytes (Metrohm Process Analytics) to its technological offer. By integrating different analytical techniques, this system enables automatic and on-line characterisation of various critical chemical parameters (pH, additives, salts) of the same sample using a single tool, improving the robustness, efficiency, productivity and quality of the processes. Specifically, CIDETEC Surface Engineering uses this analyser in the control of acid copper and electroless nickel electrolytes.


In this way, CIDETEC Surface Engineering brings digitalisation to a traditional sector such as wet surface treatment, in which the time required to control and analyse electrolytes slows down process optimisation. The possibility of automatically determining several parameters from a single sample revolutionises process performance, allowing greater process control and monitoring, and reducing the time laboratory staff spend on these tasks. Industry 4.0 is here to stay and is expanding to all sectors.

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