21 | 10 | 2016

CIDETEC sponsors the AETP 2016 -Storing Energy workshop: Technologies and projects-

AETP 2016 was held in Madrid on October 20 and was sponsored by CIDETEC, thus forming part of the group of major companies and organizations interested in sharing the latest developments in the market as well as the most important projects currently underway in Spain and Europe.

About a hundred participants took advantage of the meeting and attended presentations by recognized experts in the field, among which was Idoia Urdampilleta, head of the Materials for Energy Unit, representing CIDETEC, who gave the talk Energy storage, from the idea to the market. 
AETP reaches its fourth edition this year, establishing itself as an essential venue for professionals of a growing sector. 
Program of the event: http://www.energetica21.com/images/ckfinder/files/AETP%202016%20Programa(1).pdf 

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