21 | 11 | 2016


Energy Storage

Basque Television ETB ‘s Teknopolis programme of 19 and 20 November showed a report on batteries in which CIDETEC’s department of energy storage took part.

The report, broadcast on ETB1 on the 19th and by ETB2 on the 20th, addressed the state of the technology in Lithium Ion batteries based on the latest news regarding the problems experienced with the batteries of Samsung mobile phones, incidents that led to the withdrawal of the product from the world markets. 
On behalf of CIDETEC, Idoia Urdampilleta, head of the Energy Materials Unit, explained both the current state of technology and the main challenges that R & D face in this field. It also showed the resources available at the centre, especially the battery manufacturing plant which was recently put into service. 
The report can be seen at the following links: 
Spanish version 
Basque version 

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