03 | 10 | 2024

CIDETEC joins the European Week of Advanced Management

  • From October 14th to 25th, the 30th European Week of Advanced Management will take place.
  • More than 100 Basque organizations will join the European Week of Advanced Management, coordinated by EUSKALIT.
  • The central event will be a Congress held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao on October 16th and 17th.

This year’s 30th edition of the European Week of Advanced Management will feature over 40 events throughout the Basque Country. These meetings are coordinated by EUSKALIT (Foundation for the Promotion of Advanced Management) and supported by 60 organizing entities, collaborating in this edition to address topics related to Advanced Management in various sectors such as business, institutional, industrial, or educational, among others.

Additionally, another 50 organizations will collaborate in the promotion of the European Week as a demonstration of their commitment to Advanced Management. These include the Astezaleak, a new feature in this edition, which CIDETEC joins as a pioneer. In total, more than 100 organizations have joined the movement of this Week.

An Event with Many Perspectives
During the Week, a Congress will be held on October 16th and 17th at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, reinforced with live streaming. It will feature two major thematic blocks: Sustainable Competitiveness and Management and Care and Loyalty of People.

Outside this format, there will be 30 other events spread across the three territories: Araba, Gipuzkoa, and Bizkaia. These events will delve into various areas of management such as Strategy, AI management, and mental health care, through both in-person and virtual formats.

Among the 60 Basque entities participating in the organization of this year’s activities and conferences are organizations such as Bilbao Ekintza, Emun, Gorabide, and the provincial councils of Álava, Bizkaia, and Gipuzkoa.

Also, among the activities organized during this Week is the 8th edition of the short video competition “Gestión en corto” (Short Management), organized by EUSKALIT in collaboration with Mondragon University, aimed at bringing management closer through audiovisual language, ranging from documentary to fiction or corporate video production.

The full schedule of events is now available, and you can view it at this link.

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