07 | 10 | 2014

CIDETEC invites you to visit its booth at the 9th International Fair AIRTEC

CIDETEC be present at the 9th edition of AIRTEC, a reference fair in the aerospace industry, to be held in Frankfurt from 28 to 30 October 2014.

AIRTEC shows the entire aerospace supply chain, from design to the advice in the life cycle, through engineering, testing, production, tools, components, electronics, sensors, etc.

The trade exhibition presents in a focused way new technologies, innovations and trends and provides a comprehensive overview about the aerospace supply industry. It offers exhibitors an excellent opportunity to present their capacities, capabilities, competences and know-how and supports original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and system suppliers in finding new technological and economical solutions.


Visitors to our booth will have a first hand view of our capabilities and latest developments in different fields:

  • NANOMATERIALS, the latest advances in nanotechnology are used to provide realistic and innovative solutions to industrial needs.
  • ELASTOMERS AND RUBBERS, combined experience in dynamic chemistry and formulation of polymers to develop innovative durable self- healing products.
  • THERMOPLASTICS COMPOSITES, large experience in the synthesis and development of novel composites with enhanced properties and specific functionalities.
  • SURFACE TREATMENTS, proven “know-how” in the application of surface technologies for the improvement of materials properties and the development of new aesthetic and multifunctional coatings based on metals, alloys, composites and ceramics (i.e. tribological, protective, electromagnetic and active surfaces).
  • THERMOSET COMPOSITES, industrial experience in truly innovative composite materials & processes based on novel concepts on thermoset resins (reprocessable and recyclable).
  • SMART WINDOWS FOR CABIN CONFORT, fabrication electrochromic devices on glass or plastic substrates.


They will learn all this through a visual presentation of the facilities and equipment available at CIDETEC in these fields. We will also show, in situ, innovative applications through various prototypes and demonstrations.


We hope to see you at our booth located in Hall 11.0, stand F19. If you wish, you can make an appointment by contacting Javier Goñi (jgoni@cidetec.es).


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