06 | 03 | 2019

CIDETEC included in Battery 2030+, the initiative to place Europe in the leadership of the development of new batteries

Energy Storage

The Battery 2030+ large-scale research initiative will bring together the leading scientists in Europe, as well as the most relevant industries, to achieve a breakthrough in battery science and technology. The first Battery 2030+ project will begin in March 2019 and will lay the foundation for this large-scale research initiative on future battery technologies.

In the Strategic Action Plan on Batteries published in May 2018, the European Commission highlighted the need to support the ecosystem of the European battery industry with a long-term research initiative on future battery technologies. Batteries are among the key technologies to achieve a deep decarbonisation of the European energy system, especially in the transport sector (with electric mobility) and in the electric power sector (with the storage of intermittent renewable energy sources).

The Battery 2030+ project, which currently includes 17 partners from nine European countries, has been selected to receive a Support and Coordination Action grant under the Horizon 2020 program. For a period of one year (starting in March 2019), Battery 2030+ will lay the foundation for a large-scale, long-term European research project of 10 years. The vision of Battery 2030+ is to develop the batteries of the future, providing European industry with state-of-the-art technologies.

The Battery 2030+ consortium includes five universities (University of Uppsala, Politecnico di Torino, Technical University of Denmark, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Münster), eight research centers (French Commission for Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, French National Center for Scientific Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, CIDETEC Energy Storage, National Chemistry Institute, Slovenia, SINTEF AS) and three industry-led associations (EMIRI, EASE, RECHARGE)

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