06 | 06 | 2014

CIDETEC hosts the first BYEFOULING follow-up meeting

BYEFOULING project representatives met at CIDETEC to present the results of the first stage of the project

On the 27th and 28th of May, CIDETEC was host to the representatives of the BYEFOULING project, comprised of 19 research groups and companies from 11 European countries. The project, launched last December 1, 2013, aims at the development and large-scale production of low toxicity organic antifouling coatings for their use in boats and other marine structures which are subject to biological colonization.


In this first follow-up meeting, members of the consortium presented and analyzed the results of the first stage of the project which consisted mainly in the evaluation of various antifouling alternatives which had initially been proposed in the project: new algae based natural biocides, quorum sensing inhibitors, protein adsorption inhibitors and structural materials.

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