01 | 06 | 2023

CIDETEC has been awarded the UNE Standardisation and Innovation Award

These awards recognise the contribution of individuals and organisations to standardisation. More than 13,000 experts from 6,000 organisations actively participate in the development of standards in the Spanish standardisation body.


The UNE Awards, granted by the Spanish Association for Standardisation, seek to recognise the efforts of all the professionals and committees that, through their work, develop standards with the aim of tackling the major challenges currently facing society, such as those related to digital transformation or the green transition, in line with the organisation’s 2025 Strategy.

During the ceremony held on 31 May in Madrid, CIDETEC was awarded the UNE Award for the Integration of Standardisation and Innovation, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to applying and promoting the integration of standardisation in R&D&I activities. Alfredo Berges and LUIS RODULFO, president and vice-president of UNE, respectively, presented the award to Jon Lacunza, head of the European Projects Office at CIDETEC.

For their part, the UNE Awards for the most outstanding President, Technical Committee and Board Members went to Jorge Fernando, of the UNE Committee for Photovoltaic Solar Energy, to the UNE Committee for Combustible Petroleum Products, whose Secretariat is held by AOP, and to Raúl Sánchez, of the Carlos III University, respectively.

CIDETEC is very grateful to the Spanish Association for Standardisation for this recognition and we are committed to continue working along the same lines.

Access to the UNE article.

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