05 | 11 | 2018

CIDETEC Energy Storage will be at International EV Batteries 2018

Energy Storage

CIDETEC Energy Storage will participate in the forthcoming conference on “International EV Batteries 2018: Cost-Effective Engineering for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles” to be held on 6-7 November 2018 in London, an event organised by the  Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

This conference will be focused into the design, integration and applications of batteries for automotive and aerospace, for the first time in two parallell sessions, with the aim to discuss strategies to increase authonomy, while guaranteeing performance and durability of the battery packs. These targets must be achieved in a cost-effective manner, not leaving manufacturing, second life and ultimately recycling.

In this line, Iosu Cendoya from CIDETEC Energy Storage Unit for Storage Systems, and coordinator of iModBatt (https://cidetec.es/imodbatt/en/), aimed at the development of a innovative low cost module and battery pack concept oriented to electromobility and niche stationary applications, will be presenting the latest results of this European H2020 project to the audience.

Another EU project that will be presented at the meeting, and where CIDETEC Energy Storage is also involved is HIFI-ELEMENTS, dealing with EV modeling.

Actively participating in outstanding events and projects as these mentioned above, CIDETEC Energy Storage positions itself at the foreground of European R+D on design, modelling and integration of battery packs.

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