05 | 10 | 2023

CIDETEC Energy Storage participates in two new BATTERY2030+ initiative projects: OPINCHARGE and PHOENIX

Energy Storage

Both projects are aligned with the aim of positioning Europe as a world leader in the development and production of sustainable batteries.


With global battery demand expected to exceed 1,700 GWh by 2025 (McKinsey), the BATTERY2030+ initiative, under the leadership of Professor Kristina Edström from the Uppsala University, aims to foster the development of durable, safe and sustainable batteries throughout their life cycle.

CIDETEC Energy Storage has participated in the BATTERY2030+ initiative since its launch in 2020. The BATTERY 2030+ initiative has just received more than 150 million euros from Horizon Europe, the European Union’s research program, for a new package of cutting-edge projects with the aim of positioning Europe as the global leader in development and battery production. CIDETEC Energy Storage will participate in two of the new projects that have just been awarded: OPINCHARGE and PHOENIX. Together with others that have started this year, both projects will focus on sensors and auto-repair mechanisms and the electrochemical interfaces of batteries

In the Phoenix project, coordinated by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (VUB), CIDETEC Energy Storage is working on the self-repair and sensorization functionalities of batteries to increase safety and the precise monitoring of the cell’s status during its useful life.

For its part, in the OPINCHARGE project, coordinated by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), CIDETEC Energy Storage contributes its experience in modelling battery components, as well as in the development of sensors and electrodes to build cell prototypes that can be used to study and optimize their properties.

CIDEETC Energy Storage, with more than 25 years of experience in battery research, offers its expertise to the international consortia involved in both projects.

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