13 | 03 | 2019

CIDETEC Energy Storage participates in Batteries and Critical Raw Materials (CRM) event

Energy Storage

The CRM Day dedicated to “Transitioning to a low carbon and energy efficient economy: Battery Raw Materials vs CRMs behind the scene” is quickly approaching.

This event is organized by the Critical Raw Materials Alliance (CRM Alliance). The agenda of the event is now available here.

The Conference will take place on 20 March 2019 in Brussels at the Renaissance Brussels Hotel, and features two panels respectively dedicated to Battery Raw Materials and CRMs behind the scene.

Dr Oscar Miguel Crespo, Director of CIDETEC Energy Storage will take part in this outstanding event representing EGVIA, the European Green Vehicles Industrial Association. He will give an invited talk dealing with current battery challenges and technologies for electromobility batteries, highlighting the perspective on CRMs. This is a particularly hot topic nowadays in view of the various initiatives going on at the European level regarding the establishment of local battery manufacturing capabilities, particularly under the point of view of sustainability.


The Critical Raw Materials Alliance (CRM Alliance) has been created by industry to advocate the importance of CRMs for the European economy and to promote a strong European CRM policy. It is the representative body of primary producers, traders and associations of CRMs. Through its membership, the CRM Alliance represents almost all of the 27 listed critical raw materials and we are steadily growing.

The European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA) is an international non-profit making association. Created in 2013, EGVIA currently regroups 84 members from the automotive, smart systems and smart grid industries as well as research centres and universities.


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