25 | 09 | 2024

CIDETEC Energy Storage engages in the InnoBMS project to enhance battery performance in electric vehicles

Energy Storage

The project seeks to extend the longevity of batteries by 33%.

CIDETEC Energy Storage contributes its expertise in the battery sector to the InnoBMS project, which aims to develop a cutting-edge battery management software and hardware (BMS) solution to enhance the performance and longevity of batteries in electric vehicles.

InnoBMS seeks to transform battery capacity through an innovative BMS that will enhance the volumetric density of the battery-pack by 12% and prolong its lifespan by 33% to 15 years. In other words, batteries capable of providing more energy output with reduced deterioration. In addition, this approach will yield substantial cost reductions of 12% for passenger cars and 9.7% for light-duty vehicles.

Within the multidisciplinary consortium that integrates InnoBMS, CIDETEC Energy Storage contributes its experience in characterisation and modelling of battery-packs. Employing its expertise, it will concentrate on the deployment of battery thermal management control (BTMS) in the cloud, the formulation of algorithms for the early identification of thermal risk events (TRA), and the detection of lithium electrodeposition, which are critical factors for ensuring the safety and efficiency of batteries.

Similarly, CIDETEC Energy Storage will conduct TRA tests on cells within its modern laboratory facilities, which is crucial for validating the proposed algorithms and ensuring the system’s safety against temperature increases.

The project, initiated in January 2024 and spanning 42 months, is headed by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with a total budget of €5,672,894.38, of which €4,013,441.88 is funded by the European Union via the HORIZON EUROPE initiative. The consortium includes vehicle manufacturers, leading suppliers, engineering companies, universities, and small and medium-sized enterprises, all working together to bring this innovative technology to market.

This project responds to a joint call between the European battery partnerships and Towards Zero Emission Road Transport, Batt4EU and 2ZERO respectively.

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