18 | 07 | 2017

Cidetec, committed to the highest level of European training

Energy Storage

Energy Storage is called to play a fundamental role in energy transition towards a sustainable economic model, a transition that is channelled through two main areas. On the one hand, that of transport, where an unstoppable trend towards electro mobility is being consolidated and where the batteries are key factors. On the other, that of electricity networks, where electrical storage is essential for the optimal management of renewable energy, as well as improving efficiency in the distribution and use of energy.

As a result of the above, new scientists and technologists in the latest trends of energy storage and in particular in the most advanced battery technologies, need to be trained.

Aware of the importance of advanced training, CIDETEC has actively participated in two international workshops as part of outreach programs and training in European battery projects of which CIDETEC which is a partner.

The first of these took place last June 23 in Ulm, Germany, hosted by the Education and Training Centre for Innovative Energy Technologies (WBZU). The “Zinc based batteries Early Stage Researchers Seminar” was organized there by the European consortium of the ZAS project whose objective it is to develop a low-cost rechargeable battery technology up to prototype level. CIDETEC, as scientific-technological coordinator of the project, was involved in the organization of the seminar and also in the program where our colleague Aroa Ramos gave a thought-provoking presentation.

Also, on June 27, the “Energy materials for Lithium ion batteries Seminar for students and researchers” took place in Turin. This seminar was jointly organized by the two consortia of the European projects MARS-EV and eCAIMAN, both on advanced lithium ion batteries. The first was coordinated by CIDETEC who was also present in the second as a participant. In this case, it was our colleaague Iratxe de Meatza who had the opportunity to give a presentation on constructive concepts and manufacturing of lithium ion batteries with advanced materials.

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