02 | 11 | 2016

CIDETEC collaborates with Fomento de San Sebastián in the Innovation Week

CIDETEC reaffirmed its commitment to the city through participating in various events of the Donostia WeekINN program, within the events organized by the FSS on the occasion of the celebration of the Donosti Innovation Week.

On 25 November, together with the rest of the IK4 alliance centres based in San Sebastian, CIDETEC showed a sample of its technological developments in the marquee set up by FSS next to Koldo Mitxelena. To the exhibition, many citizens and students from different San Sebastián schools had the opportunity to see work samples in the area of energy storage that were explained by Oscar de Miguel and Idoia Urdampilleta, as well as other products resulting from the work of Surface Engineering, explained by Jose Antonio Diez and Gemma Vara. 
On the 28th, Jose Antonio Diez himself gave students of the Institute Usandizaga, a talk on the world of surfaces, putting into practice CIDETEC’S vocation of stimulating young people’s interest in the world of science and technology. 

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