05 | 10 | 2020

CIDETEC and AIMPLAS are organising the third edition of their coatings conference, this time in an online format

CIDETEC Surface Engineering and AIMPLAS will present the latest developments in composites and polymer materials in surface treatments at an online technical conference to be held on 15 October.

At the event, a dozen experts will discuss advances in sustainable coatings, with advanced or multifunctional properties, as well as legal measures that may affect you and how to implement them in your company.

On 15 October, a new edition of the conference on Coatings and Advanced Surface Treatment will be held, organised by CIDETEC Surface Engineering and AIMPLAS, Technological Institute of Plastics. On this occasion, and due to the current health situation, the event is consolidated with a second edition that will have an online format.

A dozen experts will gather at this meeting as speakers to present the latest developments in composites and polymer materials for surface treatment, from advances in sustainable coatings, with advanced or multifunctional properties as well as legislation that may affect companies and how to implement it.

Specifically, the conference will start with a presentation by Susana Otero, from AIMPLAS, on trends in sustainable coatings. She will be followed by Belén García, from CIDETEC, who will talk about electrophoresis as an alternative to conventional treatments, while Lola Gómez, from AIMPLAS, will address environmental decontamination using photocatalytic coatings based on MOFs for indoor spaces. Her colleague Anabel Crespo will present some success stories in advanced and multifunctional coatings and Jesús Palenzuela, from CIDETEC, will talk about omniphobic technology. Enrique Cortés, from QMC, will focus his presentation on composite material coatings with high physicochemical performance. After the break, Elena Moratalla, from AIMPLAS, will cover the part regarding validation and quality control of automotive coatings and Jorge Rodríguez, from CIDETEC, will talk about the effect the REACH regulation has on the surface treatment industry. Antonio Montoliu, from CHEMPLATE, will be responsible for addressing solutions for the elimination of Cr (VI) in the plating of plastics and Jezabel Santomé, from AIMPLAS, and José Miguel Ortega, from COMINDEX, will bring the day to a close by discussing alternative fillers and additives to replace TiO2.

This conference, in which the attendees can register at http://www.aimplas.es/plasticsacademy, has the collaboration of ASEFAPI, the Spanish Association of Paint and Printing Ink Manufacturers, and ICA Motor Ediciones.

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