09 | 10 | 2019

BatteryPlat Founding Assembly Held

Energy Storage

On Monday 30 September, the First and Founding General Assembly of BatteryPlat was held. BatteryPlat is the technology platform that aims to place Spain at the forefront of energy storage in Europe and worldwide.

The conference room at the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in Madrid was the venue for the 1st BatteryPlat General Assembly. The objective of this technology platform is to bring together the main Spanish players that work in the battery and energy storage industry in order to promote a common approach and formulate a strategic research programme so as to accelerate the innovative development of the industry.

The main part of the Assembly was concentrated around the three round tables that were held to evaluate the current situation of the storage sector in Spain and the prospects for the future that are already in sight. The director of CIDETEC Energy Storage, Óscar Miguel, took part at one of the tables on behalf of the European platform, ETIP Batteries.

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