21 | 04 | 2015

AIMPLAS and CIDETEC sign a collaboration agreement

AIMPLAS, Technological Institute of Plastics and CIDETEC have signed a collaboration agreement for R&D+i in nanotechnology and polymers.

The framework of collaboration between AIMPLAS and CIDETEC relates primarily to collaborative research through both national and international joint programmes in the field of nanotechnology and polymers.


To that end, the two centres plan to share infrastructure and equipment, carry out an effective exchange of publications and materials for research and education, jointly organise workshops, seminars and conferences in order to encourage and disseminate innovation as well as promote the exchange of researchers to create mixed teams to develop projects.


The agreement, which has a renewable period of three years, poses significant economic return for both centres. However, the major beneficiaries of this agreement will be the customers of both technology centres, who will benefit from the innovations and developments created through this alliance. The knowledge and technology solutions generated by this collaboration will contribute to increasing the capacity for innovation and competitiveness of companies related to the plastics industry.

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