25 | 10 | 2022

Addionics visits CIDETEC Energy Storage

Energy Storage

Eitan Hochster, Chief Operating Officer at Addionics, speaks about CIDETEC Energy Storage and Addionics relationships and day by day work.

New Solid State Batteries (SSB) R&D Laboratory

CIDETEC Energy Storage boosts its activities in SolidState Batteries with the inauguration of a dedicated stateof-the-art R&D lab.

In the pathway of seeking greener technologies and high energy storage devices that are safer and more efficient (e.g. higher energy density and longer lifespan), SolidState Batteries (SSB) play a key role as a game-changer technology in next generation batteries for emerging applications (electrical transport, energy storage, etc.).

CIDETEC Energy Storage is committed to significantly contribute to this development and, consequently, we have recently inaugurated a devoted R&D lab of advanced solid-state electrolytes and high loading electrodes.

The new lab will assess and explore the industrial feasibility of cutting-edge materials used in SSB, including scaling-up activities. The progress made will contribute to the needs of our industrial clients and collaborative Horizon Europe and regional projects such as SAFELiMOVE, SPINMATE or Elkartek CICe 2021.

CIDETEC Energy Storage gets eight new projects in Horizon Europe

4,4M€ in revenues for a significant step forward in battery technology and application development.

In the second half of 2022 CIDETEC Energy Storage celebrates the launch of up to eight new European funded research and development projects awarded in the last calls of 2021 and beginning of 2022 of the Horizon Europe programme. These eight new projects amount up to 4.4M€ income for CIDETEC during the next four years. This will be a significant step forward supporting the activity in battery technology and application development.

Notably all these projects come under the umbrella of different so-called Co-programmed Partnerships: five of them fall under Batt4EU (the Batteries Partnership), two of them under 2ZERO (Towards zero emission road transport partnership), and the last but not least under ZEWT (Zero Emission Waterborne Transport Partnership). This proves the outstanding match between CIDETEC Energy Storage strategic approach and the top priorities identified at the European Commission level regarding battery and clean transport technologies.

The first five projects under the Batteries Partnership are related to advanced battery technology research. SIGNE project deals with silicon enhanced high capacity anodes, while NOVOC and BATWOMAN deal with advanced manufacturing techniques for Li ion batteries with minimal environmental impact. In this regards, SPINMATE project focuses into manufacturing and industrialization of solid state batteries for automotive sector, a hot topic nowadays. Finally, RESPECT project will deal with new flexible and safe Li ion battery recycling methodologies, also a topic with the highest expectation. From the applications side, NEXTETRUCK and EMPOWER projects (2ZERO partnership) are related to heavy-duty electric trucks and buses development, in the latter also involving hydrogen fuel powered options. Finally, for the first time we were awarded a project under the ZEWT, waterborne partnership, with NEMOSHIP project, that will develop design solutions for the implementation of large batteries into hybrid vessels -the last two projects mentioned will actually start on 01/01/2023.

As proud members of these eight new consortia, CIDETEC Energy Storage wish them a successful achievement of their technical objectives. CIDETEC will indeed contribute with the best of its knowledge.

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