Energy Storage
Bateria fidagarriagoak eta errendimendu handiagokoak egitea, sentsoreak eta auto-konponketako funtzionaltasunak txertatuta narriadura hautemateko eta kalteak konpontzeko, bateriak kudeatzeko sistema aurreratu baten bitartez.

PHOENIX is a Horizon Europe project that aims to develop battery cells with integrated sensors (mechanical, enhanced impedance spectroscopy, temperature, gas, reference electrode) and self-healing (SH) functionalities (magnetically activated polymers, thermally activated polymers, metallic organic frameworks coated separator, core-shell NMC composites). In this regard, Tailor made triggering devices to activate SH mechanisms will be developed, prototyped and demonstrated in Generation 3b and 4a Li Ion batteries. A Battery Management System (BMS), capable of detecting defective operations and of triggering SH functionalities will be developed with in-line communication. The degradation detection and quality, reliability and life (QRL) will be tested through dedicated profiles (fast charging, extreme temperatures, calendar life). The novel batteries’ manufacturing will be studied from a recycling and mass production point of view.

On the other hand, PHOENIX belongs to the Battery 2030+ initiative. The ambition of the Battery 2030+ is to make Europe a world-leader in the development and production of the batteries of the future.

CIDETEC-en zeregina proiektuan:

CIDETEC Energy Storage is the leader of WP5 “Smart prototype cells with Self-Healing and Multi-Sensor Functionalities” and the leader of Task 3.6 “Reference Electrode”. CIDETEC will develop a ·D-porous reference electrode (RE) based on micro-mesh coated with LFP and integrated with the polymeric separator. CIDETEC will be implemented in the cell and this will allow to distinct the contribution of each cell component to the overall battery performance.

Besides, CIDETEC, as the leader of WP5, will develop multilayer cells of 1Ah with the different sensors integrated and self-healing applied to GEN3b and GEN4a technologies. CIDETEC will also study the feasibility of integrating multi-sensors and multi self-healing functionalities and will study the cell performance.


Hasiera: 01 | 05 | 2023

Amaiera: 30 | 04 | 2027

EU Grant: 4.998.505,75 €



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CIDETEC Energy Storage enpresak BATTERY2030+ ekimenaren bi proiektu berritan hartzen du parte: OPINCHARGE eta PHOENIX

5 de October de 2023

Egon eguneratuta

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