Nemoship EU

Surface Engineering
A modular and standardised battery e nergy storage solution enabling to exploit heterogeneous storage units & a cloud-based digital platform enabling a data-driven optimal and safe exploitation.

EU- The Initial IMO Strategy about reduction of GHG emissions from ships identifies levels of ambition related to a 2008 emission baseline: reduce CO2 emissions per transport work (carbon intensity index) of each mobility sector by at least 40% by 2030 and reduce the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050.

EU – The new co-programmed European Partnership Zero Emission Waterborne Transport (ZEWT) aims to demonstrate by 2030, as a first step towards a drastic emission reduction by 2050, the new technological solutions needed to reach IMO objectives, for all main types of waterborne transport.



EU – 1The Initial IMO Strategy about reduction of GHG emissions from ships identifies levels of ambition related to a 2008 emission baseline: reduce CO2 emissions per transport work (carbon intensity index) of each mobility sector by at least 40% by 2030 and reduce the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050.

EU – The new co-programmed European Partnership Zero Emission Waterborne Transport (ZEWT) aims to demonstrate by 2030, as a first step towards a drastic emission reduction by 2050, the new technological solutions needed to reach IMO objectives, for all main types of waterborne transport.


  • Altzariak
  • Farmazia-industria
  • Ontzigintza

Esparru teknologikoak

  • Energia biltegiratzeko soluzioak
  • Gainazal higienikoak
  • Ingurumen mota bakoitzeko beharretara egokitzeko liburutze programa eraikigarriarekin jarduneko ingredienteen kapsulazio-sistemak

Egon eguneratuta

Harpidetu zaitez gure newsletterretara gure zentroetako azken berrikuntza teknologikoak eta ekitaldiak ezagutzeko.