Energy Storage
Battery DEsign and manuFACTuring Optimization through multiphysic modelling

The project:

DEFACTO’s main objective is to develop a multiphysic and multiscale modelling tool to improve the understanding of cell material behaviour and cell manufacturing process and to reduce the time and economic resources for the market uptake of cell innovations. This approach will allow developing new high capacity and high voltage Li-ion cell generation 3b batteries. The validated computational simulations will be a powerful tool to (i) tailor new optimum cell designs, (ii) optimize manufacturing steps of electrode processing and electrolyte filling, and (iii) shape new generation 3b materials. Likewise, DEFACTO and the future developments of its technologies will contribute to strengthen an innovative, sustainable and competitive battery industry, positioning Europe as the forefront of this sector.


– To generate an integrated software tool which achieves the maximum accuracy and robustness to describe cell behavior at reasonable computing costs.
– Optimize the design of a cell by including all relevant design variables and analyzing different physical domains.
– Reduce the number of experiments by a factor of 3 in the cell development phase.
– Contribute to the standardization of measurement procedures.
– Creation of New Market opportunities and improvement of industry competitiveness.


Inicio: 01 | 01 | 2020

Fin: 31 | 12 | 2023

Presupuesto: 5.988.318,75 €



Logo Financiador


  • Fabricantes de celdas de batería

Campos tecnológicos

  • Análisis post-mortem de baterías
  • Fabricación de baterías
  • Modelado y simulación de celdas

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